June 28, 2018

A Range of Causes The problem is more than skin-deep; varicose veins, while not immediately life-threatening, are uncomfortable and can significantly impact the quality of life. Talk to anyone who has them, and they’ll tell you that in addition to being unsightly, they can cause fatigue, muscle cramps, and pain in the legs, sometimes leading […]

Herbal Industry A health trend that’s thousands of years in the making, the use of herbs and essential oils as means of treatment for a wide range of conditions has been on the rise. With origins dating back to traditional practices—and alongside growing skepticism of pharmaceutical and medical approaches—the market for herbal medicine has been […]

Hiding In Plain Sight Considering that up to 15 percent of referrals to gynecologists and pain clinics are due to chronic pelvic pain—often related to pelvic congestion syndrome (PCS)—it’s surprising how little this condition is talked about. Characterized by a worsening of symptoms throughout the day, and most often occurring in pregnant women (though all […]

Circulation Problems: More Than Skin Deep When it comes to conditions like varicose veins or leg ulcers, there’s a common assumption that the problems are largely cosmetic. But the fact of the matter is that these are more than aesthetic issues; leg ulcers, which affect one percent of adults, and 3.6 percent of those above […]

June 6, 2018

Sclerotherapy remains the gold-standard for spider vein treatment. Results will vary depending on vessel type, but most patients will see significant benefits. What are the Benefits of Sclerotherapy? Improves cosmetic appearance Relieves itching and burning associated with vein disease How Does it Work? A tiny needle is used to inject a solution directly into the […]

June 1, 2018

Letting Go Off Problem Veins For many people, it gets to the point where symptoms are unbearable: heavy, tired legs; unflattering varicose veins; swelling and itching. Others, like blogger Julyne Derrick, may find that their spider veins are too unsightly and likely to get worse. Her feelings of self-consciousness came to a boil when she […]

The Body & The Mind When most people think about varicose veins, they focus on the physical aspects of this disease. And there’s no doubt that the associated discomfort, swelling, tiredness in the legs, and overall unsightliness of the condition warrant attention. But there’s more to it. If you talk to anyone who’s had them, […]

May 3, 2018

There’s nothing comfortable about varicose veins; not only are they unsightly, but they lead to sensitivity and heaviness in the legs. But the assumption that they’re just a skin problem, according to recent research, is false. The treatment options available are already quite effective, and today’s approaches are much less invasive and better tolerated than those of years […]

April 26, 2018

Better Treatments Mean Better Outcomes As any of the approximately one in four American adults who has them can attest, varicose veins are a source of discomfort on multiple fronts; not only do they cause itchiness, pain, and heaviness in the legs, but they’re unsightly. These factors seriously impede quality of life, but beyond that, […]

On The Hunt Given that varicose veins are such a widespread problem—in the US, it’s estimated that 23 percent of adults suffer with the condition—it’s no surprise that research into treatment continues to garner widespread support. Getting a handle on this issue will no doubt reap many benefits as varicose veins impact both individual quality […]

Weighing the Numbers When you look at the statistics surrounding varicose veins, it’s not a pretty picture. According to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), no less than one in five American adults experience the condition. And while hardened, unsightly, surface veins may not be life-threatening, they significantly impact quality of life, leading to discomfort, […]

  Tough Cases What’s most important to understand about venous leg ulcers is how debilitating and difficult they can be to live with. Often pointing to underlying deficiencies in blood circulation, cases like this end up being a source of constant frustration, especially because the cycle of injury and infection never seems to go away. […]

March 29, 2018

Deeper Than The Skin There’s nothing comfortable about varicose veins; not only are they unsightly, but they lead to sensitivity and heaviness in the legs. But the assumption that they’re just a skin problem, according to recent research, is false. According to Dr. Shyue-Luen Chang and a team of researchers from the Department of Dermatology […]

Dangerous Circulation While “vein disease” is more of a blanket term, referring to everything from varicose veins to deep vein thrombosis (DVT), the effects are largely the same: poor or compromised circulation in the legs. In these cases the vein walls are unable to get blood that reaches the lower limbs back up to the […]

  Heavier Steps The numbers surrounding chronic venous insufficiency (CVI)—a name given to diseases like varicose, deep vein thrombosis (DVT) as well as other disorders of blood circulation in the legs—underscore that this condition doesn’t get the attention it deserves. In fact, no less than 25 million Americans suffer with varicose veins, with an additional […]

March 21, 2018

Sleepless Nights Among the many symptoms of restless legs syndrome (RLS), the most frustrating for Molly McGarvey of Morgan Hill, CA, was that she simply couldn’t sleep through the night. This condition, characterized by an uncontrollable urge to move one or both legs, usually flares up in the evening or at night, when a person […]

March 16, 2018

An Eye On The Ground It’s the kind of condition that, in some ways, seems to be more an uncomfortable annoyance than anything particularly dangerous. Your feet, ankles, or lower legs become swollen and feel heavy, feel tight and warm; the surrounding skin is stretched out, shiny, and discolored. These are the hallmarks of peripheral […]

October 25, 2017

Hamilton Vein Center Earns Vascular Testing Accreditations by the IAC Hamilton Vein Center has been granted a three-year term of accreditation by the Intersocietal Accreditation Commission (IAC) in Vascular Testing in the area of Peripheral Venous Testing. Accreditation by the IAC indicated that Hamilton Vein Center has undergone an intensive application and review process and […]

August 15, 2017

Suzanne W. is always on the move. Out on the golf course, tennis or pickle ball court is where she likes to be. She’s also a life-long educator – so she has spent countless hours on her feet – and has coached many a team. For a number of years, Suzanne noticed that when she […]

October 3, 2016

Quick question – do your legs ever feel Tired Achy Heavy Twitchy Numb After standing on your feet for a long period of time? That’s because gravity is not your friend, friend. Especially if you have a job that requires you to stand for long periods at a time. We’re talking to you — hairstylists, […]

August 3, 2016

Hamilton Vein Center physician liaisons are our vein disease education ambassadors, meeting with doctors and health care providers to educate them about vein disease, the symptoms of vein disease, and how Hamilton Vein Center can help their patients with suspected vein problems live healthier lives. One thing our liaisons are hearing from doctors right now […]

April 15, 2016

Crawling spiders, creeping, jumpy and electrical shock are just a few of the unsavory feelings millions of Restless Legs Syndrome (RLS) sufferers experience on a regular basis. The cause(s) of Restless Legs Syndrome (RLS) is an ongoing study with plenty of theories but no pinpointed reason, but it is interesting to note that a whopping […]

March 7, 2016

People suffering with edema know all to well the pain and discomfort associated with swollen calves, ankles and feet. But what they may not know is that today’s advanced vein treatments can stem or end the pain and discomfort all together! What causes leg swelling? There are many reasons why our legs swell from time […]

February 14, 2016

  The secret to a longer, better quality, happier life with your legs starts by paying attention to the hard-working leg veins pumping and defying gravity 24/7/365 for you. And as it’s Valentine’s Day today and love is in the air — we give to you these 5 easy tips on how to show your veins […]

November 1, 2015

With Halloween being the official kick off to Pumpkin Eating Season, we rounded up a few sumptuous, yet healthy recipes to help you enjoy the Season in tasty fashion. Starting with those delectable seeds… Smoke & Spice & Everything Nice Pumpkin Seeds Here’s what you’ll need: 1 ½ cup unshelled, raw pumpkin seeds 1 1/4 teaspoon onion […]

October 14, 2015

Dr. Hamilton talks stats about vein disease, including how often vein disease is missed on regular ultrasounds and how genetics plays a role; and happy and satisfied Hamilton Vein Center patients share their vein experience stories. To find out more about vein disease or if you’re experiencing any discomfort with your legs, call us and […]

September 22, 2015

Hamilton Vein Center founder and medical director, Dr. Carlos R. Hamilton III and some “happy to have their legs back” patients, talk vein disease, its signs and symptoms and how today’s minimally invasive treatments can get you back to doing the activities you love to do.

August 20, 2015

Vein disease awareness and education is a top priority for us at Hamilton Vein Center. And our patients are our best ambassadors for helping us spread the word. This past Monday, August 17, Mr. Bill Hampson and his interventional radiologist vein specialist Dr. A.J. Valenson — clinic director of Hamilton Vein Center Clear Lake, appeared on […]

August 3, 2015

It’s 101 in the shade, and you’ve just been told you need to wear compression hose or socks before your vein treatment. Or maybe you just had a vein treatment and are required to wear compression tights post-treatment. Say what??? First of all, don’t panic. You’re definitely doing the right thing. By taking care of […]

June 23, 2015

Dr. Justin Smith, Clinic Director of Hamilton Vein Center San Antonio, appeared on Daytime @ Nine on Fox San Antonio yesterday to shed light on the progressive medical condition known as vein disease that plagues thousands and thousands of Texans. Myths and misconceptions abound about what vein disease is exactly and how it’s treated are […]

June 17, 2015

Dr. Justin G. Smith, Clinic Director of Hamilton Vein Center San Antonio, along with patient, Mr. Burkhardt, discuss vein disease with SA Live host, Jeff, on the June 17th show. Mr. Burkhardt had a lot of the typical signs of vein disease including leg pain, tiredness, swelling and restless leg syndrome. He noticed immediate results […]

June 12, 2015

You bet, we have “remembered the Alamo!” In June, Hamilton Vein Center will bring today’s most advanced, minimally invasive vein treatments to San Antonio. We are excited to be opening not one, not two, but three locations to serve the greater SA area. While we get settled in SA, Hamilton Vein Center — Stone Oak, located […]

June 5, 2015

Summer is upon us and that means so are our shorts – which means, for most of us, we’re paying more attention to our legs. Maybe you don’t like what you’re seeing — unsightly spider veins or varicose veins. At Hamilton Vein Center, we want to take your view of what vein disease looks like, […]

May 23, 2015

It really is amazing how the symptoms of vein disease play an underlying or even major role in a number of medical conditions that over 80 million Americans suffer with daily. But the most amazing thing is how once the veins are treated, symptoms are reduced or disappear all together. Case in point — we […]

February 19, 2015

Every year, many of us resolve to “be healthier” and look after our bodies better. So we… Go to yoga to stretch and stay limber Watch what we eat to avoid extra pounds or shed extra pounds Spin, swim, dance, bike, run, walk to keep our hearts healthy Drag ourselves to 5 a.m. boot camps […]

January 26, 2015

When horrible leg spasms and locked legs began in 2008, Cynthia Browning, a nurse with access to a variety of medical experts, couldn’t find anyone who could explain the reason behind this disruptive, painful situation. It wasn’t until she took her mother (who had very obvious, cosmetic signs of vein disease) in to see Dr. […]

January 16, 2015

When you’re in the business of making people feel better, every day at work is a great day. Thank you so much for being a part of a fabulous 2014, and we wish everyone a healthy and very well 2015!

December 26, 2014

Here’s to you! You’re surviving the holidays so far, and 2015 is just around the corner. Both are perfect reasons to keep on celebrating! But if you’ve been riding the party train a lot this December, celebrating is not sounding as much fun as it did at the beginning of the month. This lull in […]

December 13, 2014

Doesn’t it seem the holidays hit us fast this year? No one can believe it’s already mid-December. And there’s so much to do — taking care of “the list,” decorating the house, mailing cards, attending this school concert, that class or office party. It’s all fun — but all balled together — it can lead […]

December 2, 2014

On the December 1, 2014 segment of Medical Monday on Great Day Houston, Hamilton Vein Center patient, Diane Madura, shares her vein experience story. She has spent over 20 years in the retail industry, standing on her feet for long periods, and has had three children. She took notice of her legs — as many […]

November 21, 2014

Most everyone has heard the term “vein stripping,” the old school way of “treating” varicose veins that requires large incisions be made to physically strip and remove the diseased vein from the body. Talk about invasive. Thankfully, technologies developed in the interventional radiology field have taken vein treatments from painful, very invasive procedures with long […]

November 18, 2014

During this guest appearance on Austin’s KXAN Studio 510, Dr. Hamilton discusses how vein disease is commonly misdiagnosed and misunderstood. He also covers signs and symptoms of vein disease to look for and to “feel for” — because often vein disease is felt (feelings of achiness, tiredness, pain, restlessness) rather than seen (bulging veins, flaky […]

October 31, 2014

When your varicose veins are aching, paining and weighing you down, there’s nothing like the ‘’aaaaahhhhh” relief you feel when you put on a pair of compression hose or socks. These “tighten-uppers” are an instant mood booster for your legs! For those of you who know compression wear, it’s not always the most fashionable look […]

October 27, 2014

Pumpkins have to be one of nature’s most fun foods. You can stick sharp objects in it, scoop it, smash it, eat it — how fun! Even better, these carve-able, crave-able stem-topped beauts are chockfull of all kinds of healthy voodoo like Vitamin A, Vitamin C, the antioxidant beta-carotene, more potassium than a banana (565 […]

October 17, 2014

Procedures that treat vein disorders, such as varicose and spider veins, have come a long way since the days when varicose vein treatment most likely meant surgical removal – or “stripping” — of the diseased vein from the leg by a general surgeon. Talk about a not so pleasant experience, not to mention, not that […]

October 7, 2014

So October and vein treatments are meant for each other. But before we delve into why believe this to be the case, let’s address the real reasons you haven’t gotten your aching, bothersome veins treated yet. Mostly, it’s because we’re all pretty good at making excuses for not doing things we don’t really want to […]

October 2, 2014

Long gone are the days of vein stripping to treat bulging, irritating varicose veins. Thanks to advancements in interventional radiology, varicose veins and other conditions caused by “bad veins” — vein disease — can be nipped in the bud with highly targeted, minimally invasive vein treatments that utilize image-guided technologies and heat or medicinal foams […]

August 28, 2014

This one is for the moms out there. Now that school is in session, it’s time to turn the focus back on to you a little. Time to get reconnected with your health, including your leg vein health. So we are re-posting this article we wrote this time last year — to help make you […]

July 30, 2014

These humid, hot Texas summer days have all of us wanting to don Camelbacks or hydration belts before we go outside — even if it’s just to get the mail. And while it’s so tempting to order that super-size, 96 oz. soda or chug down a “healthy” sports drink, both contain thirst-robbing levels of sugar […]

July 21, 2014

As a leader among vein clinics in Texas, we raise the bar very high for ourselves, continuously striving to be industry innovators and improve upon our performance in all areas of our practice. So as we’ve grown from one clinic to nine in the last four years alone, we thought it was time to take […]

June 18, 2014

When Dr. Carlos R. Hamilton III opened Hamilton Vein Center Sugar Land in 2010, it was his vision to take minimally invasive vein treatments out of a hospital setting and into a convenient, comfortable, outpatient experience. His clinic was the first vein treatment clinic of its kind. In four short years, not only has Hamilton […]

June 12, 2014

Father’s Day is just three days away, so time to get your gift game on. But before you “do the usual” and head to the mall to grab a tie or practical pair of black socks, why not get dad something that’ll get his blood pumping and put his health on the up tick. FITNESS […]

June 2, 2014

Hamilton Vein Center Clear Lake Clinic Director Dr. A.J. Valenson and his patient, Mr. Stan Clowers, chat with Deborah Duncan on Great Day Houston’s Medical Monday about Dan’s discovery that his “onion” skin and ulcers were NOT a skin condition but a sign of advanced vein disease.  

May 29, 2014

It has always been our mission to spread the word and educate the public about vein disease and to promote a healthy vein lifestyle. In doing so, we feel there’s nothing like a good stat to make people say, “Whoa, I had no idea about that!” (Of course, we also feel that showing alarming pictures […]

May 16, 2014

The temperature gauge is starting to fire up, so everyone is starting to break out the shorts and skirts. So now that everyone is showing a little more leg, we’d like for you to have a little “vein disease awareness moment” next time you’re at the ballpark, standing in line at the grocery store, sitting […]

May 8, 2014

Hamilton Vein Center Clear Lake Clinic Director Dr. A.J. Valenson and Hamilton Vein patient, Mary Horne, chat about Mary’s vein disease symptoms — leg pain and knee pain — that led to getting a vein treatment. Mary is one of the lucky ones whose regular doctor recommended she visit Hamilton Vein Center for her leg […]

May 5, 2014

We know, we know. It looks like we flunked Spanish class, but we really do mean to say Happy Cinco En Mayo! (The actual title for this post is “Happy Cinco (incentives to get your legs-summer ready) En Mayo — but that’s a tad long for search engines to handle! In honor of Cinco DE […]

March 25, 2014

You’re expecting! Congratulations! But you probably weren’t expecting a bundle of varicose veins, were you? We have moms come in all the time, saying they first noticed their varicose veins and other vein disease symptoms, like achiness, tiredness, swelling, when they were pregnant. Especially women who have had multiple pregnancies. But don’t fret – most […]

March 13, 2014

If you’ve ever been sidelined by injury, hospital stay, advanced age, or perhaps have a job that requires you to sit for prolonged periods, your circulatory system takes a hit. Because when you’re not moving, your circulatory system puts itself in low gear too, which can lead to an array of health problems from vein […]

March 9, 2014

Vein Fact: A staggering 94% of vein disease is missed by regular ultrasounds As vein specialists who rely on ultrasound to diagnose and treat vein disease, this stat is alarming on many levels – and doesn’t seem possible. Especially since we rely on it every day to detect vein disease. And you’re probably thinking – […]

March 5, 2014

Has this ever happened to you — you’ve just settled into your favorite TV watching chair or maybe you’re snuggled in bed, deep in restful sleep when out of the blue your legs take on a mind of their own and start doing the “twitch, twitch, wiggle, wiggle.” And when your legs are awake, you’re […]

December 19, 2013

Recently, at the Clear Lake open house, Hamilton Vein Center patient, Catherina Ragin, shared her vein disease experience story. We want to share it with you because it’s a story Ms. Ragin wants people to know in hopes it will save others from the unnecessary suffering she endured that culminated with an unsuccessful skin graft […]

November 25, 2013

Ever take secret peeks at what other people have in their grocery carts? Especially this time of year? It’s as if we’re all preparing for a Category 5 hurricane – and it’s called the Holidays! First up is Thanksgiving. Big, juicy turkeys are like a magnet for fabulously tasty, yet not always the healthiest, side […]

November 18, 2013

As if the unsightliness of varicose veins and spider veins weren’t pain enough, these veins can often be a downright pain. And by that we don’t mean pain in the seriously causing you pain variety, but pain as in irritating and uncomfortable. You just want them to go away. Most people with varicose veins and […]

November 8, 2013

There’s no mistaking that general malaise that envelops legs when they are kept stagnant for too long – either from sitting, standing, or lying horizontal. For varicose vein sufferers, lack of movement takes that malaise a step further, leaving legs feeling tired, achy, heavy and even painful. Exercise helps ease all that. And it’s one […]

October 31, 2013

It’s Halloween and everyone’s a little jumpy. We understand. But there’s one thing you never have to fear – and that’s getting your veins treated. Even you Latrophobics (fear of doctors) and Agliophobics (fear of pain) have nothing to fear.   C’mon out, it’s okay. Here’s why. Today’s vein treatments all begin the same way […]

October 28, 2013

Sure summer is awesome with its long days, fun in the sun, but it sure is H-O-T. So when that first front comes through Houston and the coals go a bit cooler, we welcome fall with a great big , “Heck ya!” Fall is summer’s cooler, funner (should be a word!) sister with its lineup […]

October 15, 2013

It’s cooling off, which means running season is heating up! Hittin’ the pavement is one of our fave pastimes at HVC, and we are pumped that it’s finally feeling fall-ish. All of us are reporting “faster” times suddenly 😆 Luckily, there are plenty of fun runs in the area to keep us jazzed. We encourage […]

October 8, 2013

It was about four years ago when Philip DeBaker started to take notice of the changes in his legs. They had become slightly achy and heavy feeling. Gradually, the achiness and heaviness increased, to the point that the activities he enjoyed doing – like cutting the grass and working outside – became more difficult. When […]

October 2, 2013

“I had no idea!” We can’t tell you how often we hear this after performing a diagnostic ultrasound on a new patient’s legs – and it reveals that he or she has vein disease. So why are so many people in the dark about vein disease? Well, lots of reasons, actually. Many people do not […]

September 19, 2013

Taking care of our health and body — as well as our vein health — can be directly controlled and affected by what we put in our mouth as well as the amount and type of physical activity we engage in.  So we love smoothies, here at Hamilton Vein Center. And, boy, have we found […]

September 11, 2013

This one is for the moms out there. Now that school is in session, it’s time to turn the focus back on to you a little. Time to get reconnected with your health, including your leg vein health. So we are re-posting this article we wrote this time last year — to help make you […]

August 30, 2013

How many of you ever suffer with achy, tired, heavy-feeling legs at the end of the day? That’s a nice show of hands. Looks like lots of you. And it feels good to prop them up on the ottoman, or the couch with a little pillow tucked underneath, or in bed on top of your […]

August 19, 2013

You’ve just settled into bed or your favorite comfy armchair when out of the blue – BAM! – a sudden urge to move your legs hits. This urge is often accompanied by unpleasant sensations like creeping, pulling, tugging – plus, burning, heavy, lethargic feelings in the legs. The only relief seems to come from getting […]

August 16, 2013

When you work in a vein clinic like we do, or you’ve undergone a vein treatment at Hamilton Vein Center, vein disease, its symptoms, and the vein treatment options available are on your radar. It seems everywhere you go, you notice people with bulging veins, discolored ankles, spider veins, ulcers and other symptoms of vein […]

July 30, 2013

HOUSTON, Texas – Hamilton Vein Center is pleased to announce the opening of its Katy vein treatment center – the eighth location in a multi-phase plan to bring the most advanced, minimally invasive varicose vein treatments to the people of Texas. Since opening its doors three years ago, Hamilton Vein Center has been on a […]

July 24, 2013

When most of us hear “high blood pressure” we think of heart-related conditions and increased risk of heart attack and stroke. But there’s another kind of high blood pressure we want to put on your radars — venous hypertension. Venous hypertension, quite simply, is high pressure in the veins. Usually caused by chronic venous reflux […]

July 16, 2013

“Does the sun cause spider veins and varicose veins?” Great question — and one our patients have been asking more frequently lately. Short answer: No. The sun itself does not cause spider veins or varicose veins.  But it sure can make them pop up in all their glory. And ache and hurt too. But it’s […]

July 9, 2013

We’ve all heard that chocolate — especially the darker kind — is good for us, but do we really know why or how it’s good for us?  We hadn’t thought about the health benefits of chocolate much either — we just know it tastes deeeelish!! — that is until we came across this ad for […]

June 24, 2013

If you’re suffering with tired, aching, heavy-feeling legs or with one or more of the chronic conditions of vein disease – like leg ulcers – you’re absolutely doing the right thing for you and your health by getting your leg veins treated now instead of waiting until it’s cooler. Besides getting double extra points, gold […]

June 19, 2013

Don’t you love it when you’ve been hanging out at the beach or pool and you go to put on your shoes – and you look down and your legs, feet and/or ankles resemble this? (Well, minus the prickly bits, we hope.) Leg, ankle and foot swelling brought on by the heat is one thing […]

June 13, 2013

Meet Louis Cavalli — nice fella, former varicose vein sufferer, Hamilton Vein Center patient, man. And he’s smiling for a reason. You see, Louis finally found relief after suffering for years with bulging, chain-like veins after a series of minimally invasive, no downtime vein treatments at Hamilton Vein Center Sugar Land. Louis’ vein experience mirrors the […]

June 11, 2013

As the temps make their way to the century mark – and humidity levels right in step with it – what better time than now to talk about the health benefits of water — and there are lots of them. Going beyond 8 glasses a day. “Water for Health, for Healing, for Life” – a […]

June 7, 2013

If you’re a Hamilton Vein Center patient, you know how we feel about exercise around here – just do it! Everything benefits — the heart, muscles, joints, brain, veins — when you drop the remote and get out for at least 30 minutes of daily cardiovascular activity. And with Father’s Day just around the corner […]

June 2, 2013

Meet Vicki Caum One of the first things you notice when you meet Vicki Caum for the first time is her easy laugh, friendly smile – and that she’s also very happy to tell you about the vein treatments that changed her life! Vicki’s struggle with vein disease is one we are very familiar with […]

May 24, 2013

Taking care of your veins doesn’t have to be boring. Here are five vein-friendly recipes, we think you will fall head over summer sandals for!  Spicy Southwest Chopped Salad with Salsa Verde Recipe and photo courtesy of allrecipes.com Ingredients 
2 ears corn  
1 pound tomatillos, husked 1/2 bunch fresh cilantro leaves 1/2 jalapeno chile pepper, […]

May 13, 2013

In case you missed Dr. Hamilton on the Wellness Hour yesterday, make yourself comfortable and listen in on this enlightening conversation that covers everything from vein treatment myths, like how vein stripping IS NOT how veins are treated today; the various types and degrees of vein disease; the debilitating effects of progressive vein disease (decreased […]

May 10, 2013

As you recuperate from one too many rounds at the Mother’s Day Brunch buffet, tune into KTRK, ABC13, Sunday at 1 p.m. and catch Dr. Hamilton on the Wellness Hour with Randy Alvarez. Fair warning: Discussions with Dr. Hamilton about vein disease invariably mean he’ll use visuals to show the progression of the disease. Some […]

April 25, 2013

Last weekend it was all about the ladies at the Ultimate Women’s Expo at Reliant Center — and we were right in the middle of it! Dr. Hamilton and a vivacious crew of fabulous Hamilton Vein RNs had a blast, meeting lots of ladies and performing free ultrasounds. In particular it was a great opportunity […]

April 23, 2013

As vein specialists we need the ability to treat every aspect of vein disease and, lucky for you, there is a minimally invasive treatment for every vein that can be affected by vein disease, including perforator veins — the “connecting streets” on the leg vein superhighway. The job of perforating veins is to connect the […]

April 18, 2013

You’ve probably heard the radio spots – a lady calls in to cancel her vein treatment procedure. When asked why, she excitedly proclaims she’s been using a vein vanishing cream – and it worked! As vein specialists, this sounds like quite a claim – because it might lead people to believe that the creams “cure” […]

April 16, 2013

It’s so encouraging to see that other vein specialists across the nation are helping to get the word out about vein disease and busting the many myths people still have about veins and vein treatments. We recently came across this video clip out of Chicago that hits the same points Dr. Hamilton and the entire […]

April 12, 2013

Calling all the ladies! Next weekend, Reliant Center will become the center of the female universe when the Ultimate Women’s Expo rolls into town, and we hope you’ll join us!  For two gorgeous days women are invited to come indulge, connect, pamper and better themselves from hundreds of vendors, including us! With one in three […]

April 5, 2013

Vein disease isn’t just bulging veins and spider veins. Oftentimes it’s more stealth and chameleon-like in the way it presents itself. As in the case of Hamilton Vein Center patient, Lou Ann Zeeches who thought her pinkish rash was a skin problem. When the discoloration became deeper, Lou Ann asked her doctor about it and, […]

March 28, 2013

Isn’t it nice that when we visit foreign countries and there are attempts to make us more comfortable by providing English versions of a menu, signage, and “helpful” locals who have had access to some 70s American TV show tapes and the Internet? Greek hotel – “Visitors are expected to complain at the office between […]

March 22, 2013

Imagine it’s August. In Houston. Middle of the day.  Now imagine bending your body through 26 hatha yoga postures for 90 minutes in August. In Houston. In the middle of the day.  This is pretty much what it feels like to be in a Bikram Yoga class.  And people either swear by it or swear […]

March 20, 2013

Whether yoga’s your thing or not, you don’t have to be freaky flexy to do these eight “vein cardio” yoga moves that will have your legs — and your entire body — hollerin’ a James Brown “I feel good.” All you need is to clear your head and set your intention on showing your legs some […]

March 18, 2013

Next time you have the chance, juice a lemon or orange for all it’s worth. The whole thing. Rind and pulp included. Each of these citrus superfoods contains the flavonoids diosmin and hesperidin – two powerful anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory allies in the fight against vein disease. Diosmin offers superior vascular protection and increases venous tone […]

Dr. Hamilton has devised this checklist of sorts in the form of nine questions for you to use as a “doctor pre-screening” when considering a vein treatment or are experiencing signs of vein disease, including bulging veins. 1. Is the doctor performing the procedure trained in ultrasound? Diagnostic ultrasound evaluation is critical to determining the […]

March 14, 2013

It’s a Medical Condition. One of the greatest myths surrounding vein disease is that it’s just a cosmetic problem. In fact, it is a medical condition because when the vein wall becomes engorged and stretched, blood that is meant to pump from the legs back up to the heart is unable to do so and flows […]

March 12, 2013

Vein disease is a very misunderstood medical condition for many reasons. Mainly, most people just don’t know what the heck it really is and how it can affect your overall health and well being if it goes unchecked and untreated. So to fully understand what vein disease is, its backstory is the best place to […]

March 5, 2013

You’ve nurtured it. Lathered it lovingly. Showered expensive oils on it. Made trip after trip to the dermatologist and doctor for creams and wraps to keep the itchiness, dryness, irritation at bay. And it still has toughened and hardened up on you. Nothing is working and the symptoms keep getting worse. Much worse. Why has […]

Sure we can blame age, the sun, prickly holly bushes and that blasted coffee table for adding unwanted color to our legs, but there’s one culprit the majority of us — even most doctors and dermatologists — don’t consider as a possible cause — and that’s the veins. As we talked about in our recent […]

March 3, 2013

You wouldn’t think it, but skin problems on the legs may be more than skin deep. The real problem might lie in the leg veins that pump blood back towards the heart. When these veins aren’t functioning properly and blood flows backwards — a condition called venous reflux or vein disease – blood can seep […]

February 28, 2013

When you notice changes in your skin, it’s natural to think it’s a dermatological issue. But when the changes occur in the leg area – especially around the ankles and on the calf, the cause might be an underlying, progressive medical condition known as vein disease. When bad flow happens to good people. Vein disease […]

February 20, 2013

The veins in our legs certainly have their work cut out for them, performing one of the more herculean circulatory tasks of pumping blood through the legs and back to the heart. A complex network of small venules, small and large veins, and valves must defy gravity and work properly for this to happen. A […]

February 19, 2013

Back in the day, butchers must have had the best legs in town. They did, after all, like to use ruscus aculeatus to sweep their shops and clean their boards. And they probably sipped it in their tea as well. Today, ruscus aculeatus, is commonly referred to as butcher’s broom, but it’s been helping improve […]

February 13, 2013

Have you hugged your circulatory system today? Well, there are certain herbal supplements, like horse chestnut, butchers broom, gotu kola, diosmin and hesperidin — that have nutrients and natural chemicals that show your veins some love by helping them rebuild and stay strong.  Your veins, after all, are the gatekeepers to your general health and well-being. […]

February 12, 2013

Might as well say this up front: if you have vein disease, you have vein disease. Only a minimally invasive vein treatment can put an end to that for you. However, we each have a circulatory system that is around 60,000 miles long — so we need to take care of it, no matter what! […]

February 8, 2013

Irma Garcia is the friendly face who greets our Sugar Land location patients. Lucky for her, she is employed by southeast Texas’ leading vein treatment center, so when she told Dr. Hamilton that her legs often felt tired, heavy and achy at the end of the day, he performed an ultrasound — and sure enough, […]

February 4, 2013

Now that we’re 35 days into 2013 – it’s time for a Resolution Reality Check. How’s your (put your resolution list here) going? January is ushered in with much fanfare with its clean slate status. Most of us make promises to “do better this year.” That’s a good thing – however, if you’re anything like […]

January 29, 2013

The technology to treat veins has evolved tremendously over the last 15 years, including the use of doppler duplex ultrasound to diagnose vein disease and image-guided technologies to target the exact source of the problem during a procedure. “There are many signs of vein disease that I look for during a vein consultation, however, it’s ultrasound […]

January 24, 2013

For years, Hamilton Vein Center patient, Louis Cavalli, suffered with throbbing, heavy-feeling legs. Legs that developed bulging veins so pronounced his wife, Margie, said they looked like “chains under the skin.” No doctor he went to could help him find a solution as to why his legs looked and felt so badly. That was until […]

January 22, 2013

It truly is amazing how far vein treatments have come in the last decade. The minimally invasive technologies developed in the interventional radiology field over 20 years ago keep evolving and advancing the ways veins are treated — and the body in general. Today, minimally invasive technologies for the treatment of vein disease are the […]

January 18, 2013

Before you know it, we’ll be going from this to this, so now is the perfect time to get summer-ready with a vein treatment. But having to bare your legs at the pool isn’t the only motivation for getting a vein treatment done now. Matter of fact, we came up with 6 great reasons. Great […]

January 17, 2013

Compression therapy provides that wonderful sigh of relief to anyone suffering from vein-related issues in the legs. In its various forms — compression hose, socks, athletic apparel, wraps, pumps — compression therapy can help: Relieve feelings of tiredness, heaviness and achiness Energize legs by giving the leg veins something to push against and pump better […]

January 15, 2013

Did you pound out 26.2 miles in the Houston Marathon on Sunday? Or 13.1 in the Houston Half Marathon? Or maybe you’re a tad sore from working up enough energy after a marathon-December holiday season to tackle taking down the last of the holiday decorations and dragging the tree to the curb at 2 a.m. in […]

January 10, 2013

If you crank out serious mileage on a regular basis, you could be upping your chances of developing spider veins or varicose veins. No shock there – well, actually there is with all that persistent pounding on hard, unforgiving surfaces. Without getting too technical or medical, this pounding sends the circulatory system into overdrive, causing […]

January 9, 2013

People suffering from skin ulcers on the lower leg have often suffer for years because underlying vein disease is never considered as a possible source of the problem. Dr. Hamilton and Hamilton Vein patient, Gary Eubank, discuss with Great Day Houston host, Deborah Duncan, Gary’s decades-long battle with reoccurring skin ulcers, his initial reluctance to […]

January 7, 2013

One of the more advanced signs of vein disease is discoloration of the ankles and feet. Brown tinged ankles and purple feet happen when blood pressure increases within the veins and blood pools in the lower extremities because the vein walls have become stretched and can no longer pump blood back up from the leg […]

December 19, 2012

Hamilton Vein Center patient, Gail Poth, shares how she suffered for years with purple feet that felt like lead. No doctor could figure out what was wrong with her, until her husband saw Dr. Hamilton on Great Day Houston — discussing the many signs of vein disease, including skin discoloration. Mrs. Poth credits her husband […]

December 5, 2012

No downtime and quick recovery times with today’s advanced, minimally invasive vein treatments from Hamilton Vein Center in Sugar Land, Bellaire, Kingwood and Lake Jackson. There’s good news for the thousands of Houston varicose, spider, bulging and discolored vein sufferers — today’s most advanced, minimally invasive varicose vein treatments let you say “yes!” to no […]

Have you ever been dozing off or deep in slumber when you’re rudely awakened by the irresistible urge to move your legs or a sudden cramp attack? Before you blame your muscles, check and see if venous insufficiency – an underlying, often underdiagnosed medical condition — is causing the restlessness.   Researchers studying Restless Legs […]

November 19, 2012

The technology to treat veins has evolved tremendously over the last 15 years, which has been great news for vein sufferers. The use of doppler duplex ultrasound is an integral part of this minimally invasive vein treatment evolution, making diagnosing and targeting the source of venous insufficiency incredibly accurate. “When determining if venous insufficiency is […]

One of the most-asked questions we hear at Hamilton Vein is “What happens to the vein once it’s closed?” It is a strange concept to grasp that your vein is collapsed by heat and “closed for good.” So what happens to the flow of blood? Where does the vein go? Dr. Hamilton explains the bio […]

November 8, 2012

Rebecca is back at Hamilton Vein Center one week after her ambulatory phlebectomy — a minimally invasive vein treatment — to remove her 20-year-old bulging veins.  

November 6, 2012

Hamilton Vein Center patient, Rebecca, discusses her vein story, which includes a recent VNUS Closure and upcoming ambulatory phlebectomy – a minimally invasive vein treatment that removes “special case” bulging veins.  

  Hamilton Vein Center patient and mom of 4, Rebecca, undergoes a foam sclerotherapy treatment to get rid of her spider veins. This procedure was performed in conjunction with her ambulatory phlebectomy. View Rebecca’s phlebectomy here.  

Hamilton Vein Center patient and mom of 4, Rebecca, undergoes an ambulatory phlebectomy to remove bulging veins that she has had since she was 16. These “special case” surface veins are removed after a VNUS Closure has been performed to close the great saphenous vein and ease pressure within the vein wall. Rebecca had her […]

September 17, 2012

This is an easy-to-understand article explaining what venous insufficiency is, how it can adversely affect your health if left untreated, and why it continues to “fly under the radar” of most doctors as a considered possibility for a number of ailments. It was written by a staff writer for MDNews and appeared in that online […]

August 7, 2012

Welcome to the first of a two-part series on Exercise & Varicose Veins. There’s no mistaking that general malaise that envelops legs when they are kept stagnant for too long – either from sitting, standing, or lying horizontal. For varicose vein sufferers, lack of movement takes that malaise a step further, leaving legs feeling tired, […]

August 3, 2012

Venous ulcers are the most painful, serious manifest of advanced venous reflux disease. And, unfortunately, they are very common – accounting for nearly 90% of all leg ulcers and affecting over half a million people nationwide, according to the Cleveland Clinic. Fortunately, there is hope for full to significant recovery with the aid of one […]

The treatment of varicose veins has reached another milestone with the FDA approval of the ClariVein® procedure – the first-ever non-thermal ablation treatment for enlarged veins caused by venous reflux disease. This treatment, created and distributed in the U.S. by Vascular Insights, was first approved for use in Europe and has been performed there for […]

July 23, 2012

Bulging veins. The scourge of millions. The main reason people wear long pants or skirts even when it’s 102° outside. The reason some aren’t golfing, playing hide-and-seek with the grandkids, or dancing any more. Bulging veins. Can’t live with them. But you can live without them. Where do bulging veins come from? Most bulging veins […]

July 11, 2012

Time to get in touch with the feelings of venous insufficiency, everyone! You know when a cold is coming on because you can feel it – that first tickle in the throat; that first ache in the bones. Vein disease sends out signs it’s coming on too – it’s just that most of us don’t […]

June 1, 2012

 Veins Love Horse Chestnuts Have you hugged your circulatory system today? There are many ways to show your veins some love with regular doses of horse chestnut, butcher’s broom, gotu kola and diosmin — vein-friendly herbal remedies that provide veins the nutrients and natural chemicals they need to rebuild and stay strong.  Your veins, after […]

April 30, 2012

Okay, all of you varicose, spider, bulging, discolored vein sufferers out there. It’s time to say “yes” to taking care of yourself and do something about your aching, painful, unsightly vein situation. It’s time to know the facts about vein treatment and dispel one of the main myths that vein treatment is painful and requires […]

April 21, 2012

A national campaign promoting varicose vein awareness titled “Rethink Varicose Veins,” kicked off this week featuring Olympic Gold Medalist Summer Sanders and her personal experience suffering with venous insufficiency disease and the improvement she experienced following a minimally invasive vein treatment. Hamilton Vein Center – Houston’s leading and fastest-growing vein center — is proud to […]

March 29, 2012

Have you ever been dozing off or deep in slumber when you’re rudely awakened by the irresistible urge to move your legs or a sudden cramp attack? Before you blame the muscles, get a simple ultrasound of your legs to see if an underlying medical condition called venous insufficiency is the problem. Researchers studying Restless […]

January 10, 2012

We are so proud of our 10 “Why I Run” runners who earned their spots in this year’s running of the Chevron Houston Marathon through Hamilton Vein’s sponsorship of the Marathon Kids and Snowdrop Foundation charities. The big day is less than a week away, so we asked our runners how they’re feeling and preparing […]

November 13, 2011

Tune in to Great Day Houston this Monday and catch Dr. Hamilton discussing the latest vein treatments and vein-related issues with host Deborah Duncan. The show airs Monday, Nov. 14, on KHOU, Channel 11, starting at 9 a.m. Dr. Hamilton says he’s scheduled to be on around 9:40!

November 2, 2011

Sometimes I have patients who share their post-operative stories with me. One of which relates to conversations with friends post-procedure. The exchange usually goes like this: Friend: What’s with the hose and/or the knee-high running socks? Patient: I had a vein treatment done. These are compression hose. Friend: Oh, doesn’t that hurt? My friend had […]