Foam Sclerotherapy

With foam sclerotherapy, a small amount of sodium tetradecyl sulphate or polidocanol solution is turned into a foam by mixing the liquid with carbon dioxide. This foam can then be used to treat venous issues that could not be treated with normal sclerotherapy.


– Relieves itching, burning, aching, swelling associated with vein disease
– Improves cosmetic appearance
– Foam method increases surface area of sclerosant for improved results

During The Procedure

Foam sclerotherapy works very similarly to traditional liquid sclerotherapy. The sclerosant medication is mixed with CO2 in a syringe to turn it into foam. This foam is then injected into the skin using a tiny needle. The mixture will irritate the walls of the veins, causing them to close down. Your body will then dissolve the treated veins over time.

Some patients require more than one foam sclerotherapy session. The number of sessions will depend on the size, location and number of veins the patient has.

After The Procedure

After Sclerotherapy, we will prescribe compression stockings or bandages to wear in order to aid in the vein resolution process. Typically, patients notice results anywhere from 3 weeks to 3 months.