Dr. Hamilton and HVC Patient Diane Madura on Great Day Houston’s Medical Monday 12.1.2014
On the December 1, 2014 segment of Medical Monday on Great Day Houston, Hamilton Vein Center patient, Diane Madura, shares her vein experience story. She has spent over 20 years in the retail industry, standing on her feet for long periods, and has had three children. She took notice of her legs — as many of us do — when veins began to distend and she didn’t like the way they looked. She wasn’t aware at the time that the feelings of heaviness she felt after a long day on her feet, was attributable to her progressing vein disease. Then the pain came and the restless legs and cramping. Luckily, her doctor referred her to the Hamilton Vein Center. Dr. Hamilton explains the progression of vein disease and how it is often the underlying cause of many leg issues, including edema, leg ulcers and skin problems. He also expands on how genetics plays a huge factor, how treatable vein disease is, and how today’s vein treatments zero in on the affected area and shut down vein disease at its source, providing immediate relief to the vein sufferer.