It’s October! Time to Trick Yourself into Getting Your Veins Treated.
So October and vein treatments are meant for each other. But before we delve into why believe this to be the case, let’s address the real reasons you haven’t gotten your aching, bothersome veins treated yet. Mostly, it’s because we’re all pretty good at making excuses for not doing things we don’t really want to do — like exercising, taking care of aches and pains by seeing a specialist or doctor before it gets really bad, and ignoring the signs and signals our bodies send us, like the nagging leg achiness, restless legs, night cramps or the leg wound that just won’t go away. So we thought we’d try some reverse psychology on y’all. And maybe we can trick your mind with some “excuses to not get your legs treated in October.” Maybe this will convince you to do the right thing for your legs and your health. Plus, October is a good month for some trickery anyway, so let’s give it a go.
Excuses to put off getting your veins treated during October (remember: this is also a test in reverse psychology):
If you don’t want to take advantage of your medical insurance benefits before year end, you should definitely not come in for a vein treatment in October. If you’ve got insurance, most likely it will cover your vein treatment should you be diagnosed with vein disease – a progressive, medical condition. So why not take advantage of your benefits and get back to feeling amazing and enjoying the activities (tennis, anyone?), clothing (when was the last time you were happy to flash your gams?), and general well-being (no more “I gotta sit and rest” periods!) with a highly effective, yet gentle minimally invasive vein treatment? But if you make excuses and put it off, your benefits will end and you can plan on not being holiday-ready and a bit bah humbug in December.
Even though it’s cooler (well, at least in spurts it is!), you just can’t get to a conveniently located Hamilton Vein Center just yet. Lower temps makes for more comfortable compression hose wearing days – both leading up to your treatment — if your insurance requires a pre-treatment wait period, which requires “conservative treatment” (compression hose wearing), as well as during post-treatment when you need to wear compression hose for a week or two after a procedure in order to literally “support” the leg veins and promote quicker healing. But you can always do this later when that itchy skin turns into a venous ulcer.
October is a great time to make time for yourself (the kids are back at school, maybe you’re not traveling with work much right now), except something might come up. For real?! You’re good to no one, especially yourself, if your legs are hurting you all the time. We are all always in such a hurry, and it’s easy to get bogged down with work, kids, life. But it’s so essential to make time for you and address any pain in your body. Vein disease is one of those insidious diseases that flies under the radar of many doctors and surgeons. The fact that we are vein specialists, who are interventional radiologists and skilled in diagnostic and image-guided ultrasound technologies, means no time is wasted trying to figure out where your pain is originating. Ultrasound takes the guesswork out of diagnosis — a Doppler ultrasound screening allows our vein specialists to see how the blood is flowing through the vein and it also measures suspected diseased veins to determine the severity of the disease. Plus, today’s image-guided vein treatments zone right in on the affected area and shuts down the vein disease at its source. Once the vein is closed, you can get on with taking care of everything and everyone else in your life. Make the call to schedule your vein consultation and screening — Greater Houston are 281-565-0033 or Greater Austin 512-551-1403.
Still need some convincing? Hear from our doctors and listen to some of our patients tell their stories
Even though there’s no major time commitment, you still think it’s going to take a chunk of your time to get treated. So blow it off. Hamilton Vein Center was the first varicose vein center of its kind – when Dr. Carlos Hamilton had the foresight and vision to take vein treatments out of the hospital and into a convenient, outpatient setting. Most visits and procedures are over and done with in less than an hour – about the time of the average lunch break. And because today’s vein treatments are so targeted, there is very minimal chance you’ll have to return in the future for more treatment. Plus there’s no downtime and recovery is quick. In fact, we actually encourage you to walk around and move afterwards. And many of our patients head straight back to work. Between the targeted, minimally invasive technologies we use and the incredible benefits of getting a vein treatment, you’ll see that the time it takes you to knock out leg vein pain and discomfort is completely insignificant to the time you used to spend up at night with restless, jumpy, aching legs or bothered and mindful of the pain throughout the day.
We want to help you feel better and look better. From the moment you make your first appointment through your post-treatment check-up and subsequent routine follow-ups, our dedicated team of doctors, PAs, nurses, insurance specialists, and office staff will do everything in our power to help you achieve your goal of better health.
Still haven’t made a call yet? Stop making excuses, pick up the phone!! You’ll be so proud of yourself when you do.
Houston area 281-565-0033
Greater Austin 512-551-1403
photo credits:
Copyright: mirekkijewski / 123RF Stock Photo