Varithena™ Sclerotherapy

Varithena™ works much like traditional Sclerotherapy, however, Varithena™ microfoam is generated by a proprietary device which produces a more consistent and cohesive foam capable of safely and effectively treating a wide range of vein diameters.


– Relieves itching, burning, aching, and swelling associated with vein disease
– Foam method increases surface area of sclerosant for improved results

During the procedure

Microfoam bubbles made from a blend of Carbon Dioxide and Oxygen are injected directly into the veins through a tiny needle or catheter. Varithena™ irritates the inner wall of the malfunctioning vein, causing it to collapse and redirect blood flow into healthier veins nearby. Your body will then dissolve the treated vein over time.

After the procedure

After Varithena™, we will prescribe compression stockings or bandages to wear in order to aid in the vein resolution process. Typically, patients notice results anywhere from 3 weeks to 3 months.