Radiofrequency Ablation (RFA / VNUS Closure)

Radiofrequency ablation (RFA) is recognized by vascular specialists as the gold standard of treatment for venous insufficiency which has replaced traditional vein stripping procedures. RFA is straightforward, extremely effective, minimally invasive, and can be performed by one of our vascular specialists in an outpatient procedure that lasts approximately 20 minutes.

Benefits of Radiofrequency Ablation Treatment:

– Improved mobility, health of the surrounding tissues, and healthy circulation
– Reduced likelihood of developing stasis ulcers

During The Procedure

After a local anesthetic is administered, a small incision is made on the inner leg. Ultrasound images are used to guide a microscopic catheter into the vein to be treated. The catheter generates radiofrequency waves that heat the vein tissue and collapse it. The blood flow naturally reroutes to healthy veins, and the incision is sealed, usually with small adhesive bandages.

After The Procedure

The incision is covered with a temporary bandage and patients are asked to wear compression stockings temporarily. Patients are generally able to resume normal activity within 24 hours.