
An embolization is a minimally-invasive treatment performed by an interventional radiologist that blocks one or more blood vessels or vascular channels to improve a patient’s symptoms. The procedure takes about an hour, and recovery time after the procedure is approximately two hours. During the recovery time your blood pressure, heart rate, and insertion site will be monitored as the sedation medication wears off.


– Highly effective non-surgical treatment
– Less pain, less risk, and less recovery time

During The Procedure

A very small incision is made over the insertion site. Then, a needle with a thin guide wire is inserted through the skin into the vein. A catheter (thin, flexible tube) is placed over the guide wire into the blood vessel. Contrast medium is injected into the blood vessel, which helps the veins show clearly on x-ray images. Using these images as a guide, the provider assesses for any abnormal varicose veins. Using coils or sclerosants (medicine injected into blood vessels to irritate them causing them to close), the abnormal vein is blocked, which reduces pressure on the abnormal vein or targeted vein. By embolizing the vein, blood flow is redirected through other pathways.

After The Procedure

This procedure takes about an hour, and recovery time after the procedure is approximately two hours. During the recovery time your blood pressure, heart rate, and insertion site will be monitored as the sedation medication wears off. After treatment, a patient is able to return to daily activities immediately.